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Why us

Japan’s Proud Traditional Cuisine

Flexible Product Development

Many Success Stories
TENDON is popular among various generations. It has recently been gaining popularity around the world. However, the number of stores serving TENDON is not enough when taking the global popularity into account. That is where we see our possibilities. With the world in its view, “KOHAKU” aimed for Asia and opened its first branch in Singapore. This is because opening in a multiethnic country like Singapore, it would be easy to collect data required to extend out to the rest of the world. As expected, locals have different opinions about our food, and we are able to collect valuable data. We will continue our research and use that information to promote Japanese TENDON culture to the world.
“KOHAKU’s” strength lies in product development. Food culture and preferences are different from countries to regions. That is why foreign dishes are altered to match their food cultures and are sometimes lost or become something else in transition. However, “KOHAKU” can upgrade the dishes to suit the land without hindering the essence of the dishes. In other words, it is not about imitating the culture, but promoting “development of products that offer a new culture” .
Shortly after the opening, “KOHAKU” in each country became a popular restaurant where people line up to eat. That has continued to this day, and the number of guests is increasing day by day. This was possible due to detailed research in advance as well as expert experience and skill in designing products to serve based on that research. However, success is not guaranteed. Running a business is not simple and even with the same preparations, a business could fail. So as not to miss opportunities, we always run businesses at its best.
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